ballinger family snark. I won't give them any awards now for acting like open-minded and inclusive parents - it's all about the money. ballinger family snark

I won't give them any awards now for acting like open-minded and inclusive parents - it's all about the moneyballinger family snark  In the medico legal setting in which I work, we have to treat witness statements from X partners

But he's presenting with his own problematic behavior so I dunno. Gift List from the Ballinger Family Christmas Special 2022, I did the work so you don't have to sit through it . • 4 days ago. So, I don’t know if it’s been talked about… but I’m so confused by Chris and Jessica’s heavy promotion of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie on Instagram. 122 episodes. I go back and forth between who actually watches the Ballinger Family. Both The Ballinger Family & Rachel have posted videos just hours apart from each other, and it’s got me thinking… Rachel posted a “Rachel Uncensored” with Emily & Chris posted a light hearted, cheery update on their summer plans. Even though my life basically just consists of baking. Rachel is a narcissistic and toxic person and is every bit as lazy as Colleen so even with a different dad she is a Ballinger. It has been noted, that especially on TikTok the ballingers don’t sort through their comments. What really reminded me of the Ballinger’s was when they talked about the homeschool education they gave the kids in the religion. She also cannot tolerate anyone offering her any advice because she is the “queen of family content, and, therefore, the best parent ever, thank you very much. That was a horrible show. a snippet of snark worthy information from the newsletter is still allowed to be posted. I don’t think it’s snark on Trent to say that the family seems to be misperceiving what a cochlear implant is and what it does. 473 subscribers in the FamilyVloggersandmore community. I’ve always said anything more than 4 is danger zone and anything more than 6 is an absolute no. I agree, it’s very exploitative. If they are giving the 10% of their income from their multiple business and income streams, no one is saying anything to them. Between 1. Now "The Ballinger Family" vlog channel I have never followed. Chris and Jessica Ballinger - The Ballinger Family. Created Aug 7, 2020. 2. Let’s review some of their problematic content (again). It’s strange to me that they are not effected as there is also controversy towards them right now. Some of. I remember in one of their vlogs, a couple of the kid’s rooms were shown and they had been sleeping on the floor with no proper sleeping arrangements besides blankets and a pillow. She sought out a supportive comment to justify leaving P's videos up while deleting critical comments and continuing to exploit ALL their children online. A FULL minute of the vlog was just Chris putting a tape roll into a dispenser. Photos of rash, child having EEG, Vlogging a child’s surgery. Colleen is the biggest name of the family and the others are more like extras in the saga so I think its appropriate to keep the name as Colleen Ballinger Snark but still. 5M Likes Chris, Jessica & 6 amazing kids! 💗 The world’s favorite TikTok Family 💗 linktr. Created Jan 3, 2022. They move around the world in short term let's producing home tours and challenge videos. They need to be held accountable too Ballinger Family: Oatmeal gate 2017 - received backlash from fans and deleted all “negative” comments. It's embarrassing. Under 1 hour. First is Christopher’s Magic, Magician Career. Embarrassing! comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment . Whatever Parker decides to be when he grows up is up to him. This kind of humor is so odd and might show something deeper. A subreddit dedicated to snarking on family vlogger Colleen Ballinger, Miranda Sings, Erik…Ballinger Family’s monthly popcorn subscription Christmas gift . They came outside to Easter baskets that I know each had different colored chalk to determine what colored eggs were there’s to search for. There was always something about the mom and Rachael that felt incredibly unauthentic. see full image. I actually don't think TikTok is particularly lucrative unless you're MEGA popular. government appears to have steered out of a. Look at their insta's, lots of selfies of Chris and no mention of Jess recently. Anyone else notice the Ballinger Thanksgiving video muting certain scenes? I just watched the Ballinger Family Thanksgiving video and when Chris is showing his magic trick there are some areas where there is no sound but you can see F running in the back. 35 comments. It's tragic, really, how long I spent dedicating my time to writing positive things about her. I don’t think so because Christopher and Jessica’s YouTube channel is called “Ballinger Family” so it might look to outsiders like we were mainly focused on them. Could be allergies. A subreddit dedicated to snarking on family vlogger Colleen Ballinger, Miranda Sings, Erik…The fam was over at Cole's and talking and little D came up and in the most casual nonchalant voice says, "the cat's dead" about one of C's cats and just walked away. I don't know many teenage girls who would be into that type of music, except for maybe the music geek (geek in a good way) type of kid. Family vlogging just can’t be done ethically. To be fair Parker did call out Jessica a few times in this video. That is heartbreaking that a 6 year old has zero friends outside his family, so he doesn't get to celebrate with anyone but his siblings on his birthday. There’s some crazy mental gymnastics happening when it comes to justifying the Ballingers while condemning other family vloggers. . . It's a chance for the kids to unwind after the excitement of christmas, it encourages reading as a family and gives the parents one on one time as well as the chance to tidy up a bit. But, I have always gotten the vibe that the kids 1. Join. 03 per view with AdSense, with an average of $0. I hate to stereotype people, I was raised in a very religious family that believed that evolution(and other scientific theories) were compatible with religion, so there are plenty of religious people that. She is stuck with her millions of younger brothers and I. In Ballinger Family’s camp day 2 vlog: B allows J to step on her to get a boost while he is climbing a tree. 15 2023. RELAX! with Colleen Ballinger & Erik Stocklin on Apple Podcasts. Hey, was just thinking to myself and wasnt sure if it has been explored already, but knowing that Colleen was homeschooled, raised in a religious family with strict moral guidelines, and now given the current evolving situation of child exploitation, and the multiple Ballinger Family Vlog channels showcasing their sunshiney, happy family life, could it be possible. It’s really sad. The family has more than 750,000 watchers and supporters. They know people are interested in what they have to say right now. They seem to be better at parenting overall than Colleen but it definitely looks like an unhealthy obsession with having babies. B is 13 going on 14, but still acts quite pre-pubescent. Supports homophobic child evangelism charity, compassion international. Bailey is the oldest offspring of the Ballinger family, who have their own YouTube channel run by her dad Christopher Ballinger, who posts enchantment deceives on the channel each Monday. The part where B looks completely crestfallen at her poorly thought out concert ticket gift, Jessica does the "patient, soft, slow talk" explanation that "mommy is really looking forward to spending this day with you" made me sick. 01 to $0. According to Colleen “context is everything. 2. They leave people distressed, angry and resentful. family camp forbids bikinis. ago. New ballinger family video. 241 subscribers in the FamilyVloggersandmore community. A subreddit dedicated to snarking on family vlogger Colleen Ballinger, Miranda Sings, Erik…We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. They are slimey family vloggers using their kids for income, period. If you don't like it then choose to put down the camera and raise your kids in private. Join. Hold it for The 2 yr old fair enough but older kids could have just passed the sauce down the table. I'd be like "Oh hi, Ballinger Fam. With how many presents were at Colleen's house (and all the ones at their own house), how long do you think it will be this year? 605 votes. Some interesting/snark comments on Colleen’s latest vlog titled “TWIN BABY CLOTHING HAUL”. To think B and J had somewhat a normal few years before having a camera shoved into their faces on an almost daily basis and well P, D, L and T haven't really known life without a camera. My family had 4 kids too. Sports. in one of colleen’s old vlogs there’s a clip of bailey talking about the anatomy of her brother, family, and grandparents. She hasn't studied beyond her college voice degree, which, for a professional performer, is the very basic training. A place to snark about TLC Sisterwives. A reminder to everyone about our NO CONTACT and NO TAKING IRL ACTION rules. 1 comment. I guess they could make it thru Halloween and Vlogmas without having any footage of Colleen, Flynn, the twins, etc. Ballinger family using TikTok to incentivise their kids. Business, Economics, and Finance. Share your videos with friends, family, and the worldcolleen ballinger's friends begin to distance themselves from her & more! r/ColleenBallingerSnark • I am LIVING for this compilation of tik tok videos basically either making fun of Colleen and dragging her or getting serious and telling it LIKE IT IS9. Snark After Dark is Done with Colleen after she announced “F” going on tour. 171. SNARK AFTER DARK'S VIDEO: EVERYDAY ON twitch. I also talked about what an invasion of privacy it must be. Chris also played a huge part in writing Hater’s Back Off and Miranda’s book. Of all the family channels I’ve watched, the ballinger family by far protects the kids’ privacy and safety the most. I love how they pride themselves on being soooo open-minded and letting their kids express themselves, but are they actually letting them do that? I wonder if any of the kids ever asked to do something outside the Ballinger circle of acceptable activities, like go to a traditional school or play a sport. Way to guilt trip a kid on Christmas for one. Jess smells like couch XD XD Take my upvote! and the perfume will be something she wore in her glory days. The innocence of the more older kids. You know, the more I think about it the more the Ballinger siblings remind me of my own aunts & uncles. Do not reach out to the Ballingers or. Furthermore, in 2014 the house was completely renovated to be a 2-story suburban American home. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Secondly, the home was originally built in 1949 but you would not be able to tell by looking at it today. 24. Only civil discussion in the comments section. They homeschool their 6 children and Jessica is always in a skirt. a few quips I have about the Ballinger Family. Ballinger Family Easter Vlog 🤷‍♀️. #colleenballinger #colleenvlogs #mirandasings Follow:In. I feel like they made a point to show a few of the kids having a full plate of food. P looked upset when Jessica said she got it first and then Jessica started with this whiny voice and P rolled his eyes. this comment makes a joke about it, then an angry stan misses the joke and starts attacking them for no reason 😂😂😂. r/ColleenBallingerSnark. ago. Ballinger Family Blackout. like the inappropriate thumbnails she made for B when she was an infant. Honestly, this sounds lovely. ALL ABOARD THE TOXIC GOSSIP TRAIN!! 🚂 This is where we discuss family vlogger Colleen Ballinger, her inappropriate behaviour, problematic past and manipulation tactics. Not sure what’s causing it but he’s been going to an allergist and is on lots of medication. ”Lookingforanswers157 • 2 yr. Whatever Parker decides to be when he grows up is up to him. AutoModerator • 26 min. Rachel and The Ballinger Family have to realize this slump in views they are experiencing is not likely just a temporary situation. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻. I have had many interactions, both online and in person, with every single person you could imagine from the Ballinger circle. 🤯. Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 1:41 am. I won't give them any awards now for acting like open-minded and inclusive parents - it's all about the money. By. They need to be held accountable tooBallinger Family: Oatmeal gate 2017 - received backlash from fans and deleted all “negative” comments. afterwards colleen proceeds to say “this is x rated” which sexualizes her four year old niece. Don’t know how popular they are online, and therefore 2. It felt a little purposeful to me. I think he's just living out the fever dream that is now his life. TG no more children will be exploited. They all tasted Bailey's food so it was more of a family gift and not a Bailey gift. Doing the math, she’s due on September 26, 2023. 103. 0:00 --- Intro 3:14 ---- Who are the LaBrants?9:33 ---- The first documentary 12:11 ----- Homeschooling 14:15 ---- Disclaimer 16:00 ---- The Bigger issue 18:. r/ColleenBallingerSnark • When Adam McIntyre said “Erik was sloppy seconds for Colleen - she wanted the director, Andrew, first. So I came into this page basically only knowing Colleen and being annoyed by her, but this group has opened my eyes to the…Damn. Screenshots of youtube comments and gossip garden posts. r/ColleenBallingerSnark. 35 comments. Ballinger Family homeschool curriculum. The comments on their posts of the kids have been bruuuutal 😬 I get maybe the kids want to post (probably just P tbh) but they could at least turn the comments off. Colleen would LIVE for the constant attention she’d get from always being pregnant and having multiple kids already. In 1840 there. Remember to read our rules and the summaries in the about section. A sub to snark on Colleen Ballinger's rise and fall in comedy. Like your SO, All (SO, close friends/family) think Colleen and other YouTubers in that influencer/family vlogger space are toxic. Idk, maybe I'm projecting but I see a lot of my younger self in Bailey and girls like Colleen were usually mean to me. 261. Yep twitch deletes streams after a short time. com I have never watched the ballinger family at all and I was going to see if there was something I could snark on because just from the reddit alone there’s obviously issues with them. I never watch except for when someone discusses a topic on here that I want to see for myself which is rare, but when I do if you look in the background when they think the camera isn't on them they look absolutely miserable and dejected and then when the camera is on them its like almost robotic the. 3. r/MovieDetails • 7 mo. Television. Ballinger Family Vlog about P's Gymnastics. Part 1. I never watched C&J, but I did watch another large family, who rarely featured their kids. And secondly, that was family channel talk for "stfu and pretend you. No kid will benefit from being spoiled rotten, I can't imagine what kind of grown up he will end up as. Big_Raspberry1265. Custom Snark called the First Cobra - MGA with a Ford V8. I am sure all of you can relate to one or more of those, and even things I didn’t mention that I personally didn’t experience. A little surprising that it’s on the Ballinger Family channel, considering how their channel is so “family friendly”. Best. OG Christen & Whitney Snark Sub! They might be able to filter their comments but they can’t…Learner. It seems that the Ballinger family have to lie about a “sickness” to explain why their family isn’t at their child’s 2nd birthday. 8. I really hope this puts an end to their family vlogging. Video uploaded 6/10/23, so not all current info about Colleen’s show that night was available,!but still extremely informative. Wow, I didn't think it could be done but their vlogs are a wondrous, masterclass is bland, uninspired content. I haven’t watched them in a while, but from what I see on Instagram she seems to act immature (not that it’s her fault). F's behaviour in Ballinger Family vid: "Happy Birthday, M!" Did anyone notice, towards the end of the vlog, F's behaviour towards L when L wanted to play with the big yellow ball. 12. Sports. Overview Re: Meet the Ballinger Family Channel Trailer 2023 "Our goal is to make this an entertaining, uplifting and accepting space. Then, I go look at their Christmas Special. Vote. Ballinger Live TIKTOK - Kids having phones. But he's presenting. Other; Colleen; Miranda;. 224K. "Collen Vlogs" still talks about playing with her "two-year-old. Members. 5 and 2 hours. Ballinger Family are evangelical, i think they likely follow the quiverfull beliefs. Ballinger Family Update. I hope all those girls have put it behind them and moved on.